Module 3 Water Quality Index

Stream Name: MIAMI CREEK | Survey Date: July 3rd, 2019
Chemical Test Result Q-value Weighting Index Value
Temperature Change: Temperature Not enough data 91.00 X 0.10 = 9.1
Oxygen Saturation: 21.00 13.00 x 0.17 = 2.21
pH (units): 6.90 88.00 x 0.11 = 9.68
Turbidity - NTU: 11.00 81.00 x 0.08 = 6.48
Total = Water Quality Index (Compare this value to the Water Quality Chart below)
Water Quality Chart
Good 40-45 Acceptable 30-40 Marginal 20-30 Poor < 20

Survey Results

Stream Name: MIAMI CREEK Survey Date: July 3rd, 2019
Organization Name: Miami River Streamkeepers Society Project Name:
Data Entered by: ZoAnn Survey ID: 1138

Step 1 Temperature

Time of Day Air Temp (0o) Water Temp (0o)
Not recorded am Not recorded Not recorded
14:00:00 pm 18.50 18.80
Difference in water temperature: Not enough data
Q Value:91.00
Site Air Temp(0o) Water Temp(0o)
Upstream: Not recorded Not recorded
Downstream: Not recorded Not recorded
Difference in water temperature: Not enough data
Q Value:0.00
Step 2 Dissolved Oxygen
% Saturation: 21.00
Equipment (if not Hach):
Step 3 pH
pH Reading: 6.90
Nitrites: 0.00
Conductivity: 0.00
Other one: 0.00
Step 4 Turbidity
Tubdity (JTU): 0.00
Tubdity (NTU): 11.00
Tubdity (cm): 0.00
Tubdity (cm) greater than (>): 0.00
Background Tubdity: 0.00
Tubdity increase over background: 0.00