Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: North Shore Streamkeepers Stream Name: MAPLEWOOD CREEK
Survey Date: 2018-11-04 Project: Maplewood Survey ID: 364


Target Species - Chum Salmon
Live: 24 Dead examined: 17 Dead not examined: 2

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: north end of River Mews just downstream of small footbridge
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 8
Comments: deeper riffle
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 3
Comments: 2 appear to be aspawning pair - nice patch of grael here - active spawning in the area
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: spawning pair
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: better gravel here - downstream of maplewood farm
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Comments: almost dead male
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: spawning pair under maplewood farm foot bridge
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: spawning pair under maplewood farm foot bridge

Dead Count
11 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 46.0 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
Comments: Fresh lesions. circular markings on jaw and underbelly
12 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 0.00 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: Unknown Photo:
Comments: Deteriorated Just the skin left
13 Specie: Coho Salmon Length: 41.0 DNA taken: Clip: Fin Gender: female % Spawn: 0 Photo:
Comments: sad she had not spawned. Eggs were about half loose rest still in the skein adipose clip
14 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 0.00 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
Comments: head pnly brain missing so guessing bear got him
15 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 0.00 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
16 Specie: Steelhead/Rainbow Trout Length: 36.0 DNA taken: Clip: Fin Gender: male Photo:
Comments: adipose clip
17 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 41.0 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
Comments: tail gone (work off) but is a male