Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: North Shore Streamkeepers Stream Name: LYNN CREEK
Survey Date: 2019-10-02 Project: Pinks Survey ID: 415


Target Species - Pink Salmon
Live: 6 Dead examined: 3 Dead not examined: 2

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 4
Comments: battered up, spookish
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 2
Comments: battered up

Dead Count
3 Specie: Pink Salmon Length: 41 DNA taken: Clip: No Clip Gender: female % Spawn: 0 Photo:
Comments: this is the only dead one we could reach the other two were sunk at bottom of pools. She had a hole in her side (animal) she was a bit yellow only one egg left loose in her. She too had sunk to bottom