Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: North Shore Streamkeepers Stream Name: MAPLEWOOD CREEK
Survey Date: 2019-11-13 Project: Chum and coho Survey ID: 420


Target Species - Coho Salmon
Live: 1 Dead examined: 4 Dead not examined: 0

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Comments: slow moving. head chewed up

Dead Count
2 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 56 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
Comments: bloody inside eyes missing
3 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 51.5 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: male Photo:
Comments: clear eye, fish had one puncture, fresh dead, found on right bank out of the water tofu milt
4 Specie: Coho Salmon Length: 49.5 DNA taken: Clip: Fin Gender: female % Spawn: 0 Photo:
Comments: triangle puncture marks, black gums, maybe regrowth of adipose fin Full of loose eggs