Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Stream Name: ROBERTS CREEK
Survey Date: 2019-11-03 Project: 2019 Spawning Count Survey ID: 423


Target Species - Chum Salmon
Live: 52 Dead examined: 8 Dead not examined: 9

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 3
Comments: Larry used his GoPro system.
Species Observed: Coho Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 6
Comments: The record keeper did not enter the numbers as we saw them, she added them together and entered totals. The coho were under the LWD midway between the RC bridge road and the Lower Road bridge. This se
Species Observed: Chum Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 43
Comments: We did not enter the sighted salmon in the order they were observed, we counted them as a running total.

Dead Count
6 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 1 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: Not Recorded Photo:
Comments: carcass, there were eggs still inside that we removed
7 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 3 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: Not Recorded Photo:
Comments: We saw 3 carcasses that were just bones, we saw these approximately 10 ft. from the creek.
8 Specie: Chum Salmon Length: 5 DNA taken: Clip: Not Recorded Gender: Not Recorded Photo:
Comments: These were just parts of carcass, either no head or tail portion. Unable to tell if male/female or if spawned.