Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Stream Name: ROBERTS CREEK
Survey Date: 2023-10-06 Project: Spawner survey 2023 #3 Survey ID: 925


Target Species - Pink Salmon
Live: 292 Dead examined: 4 Dead not examined: 225

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 13
Comments: at estuary in tidal water
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 24
Comments: to LWD
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 9
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 18
Comments: active spawning
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 5
Comments: dark shade + tannin = low visibility in pool
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 36
Comments: active spawning observed
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 34
Comments: under Lower Rd bridge
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 55
Comments: pinks were paired up, many are old/decomposing
Species Observed: Sockeye/Kokanee Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Comments: one male; also observed last week. Likely 1 lone sockeye waiting to spawn.
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 40
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 28
Comments: deep pool w/ LWD; low visibility
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 9
Comments: end at confluence with Clack Crk
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: riffle Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 20
Comments: Observed later in the day (5pm) by Kalum

Dead Count
1 Specie: Pink Salmon Length: 36 DNA taken: Clip: No Clip Gender: female % Spawn: 50 Photo:
Comments: at riffle; mostly intact; older
2 Specie: Pink Salmon Length: 35 DNA taken: Clip: No Clip Gender: female % Spawn: 100 Photo:
3 Specie: Pink Salmon Length: 36 DNA taken: Clip: No Clip Gender: female % Spawn: 100 Photo:
Comments: above Lower Rd bridge
4 Specie: Pink Salmon Length: 37 DNA taken: Clip: No Clip Gender: male Photo:
Comments: above Lower Rd bridge