Module 12 - Spawner Survey


Organization Name: Sunshine Coast Streamkeepers Stream Name: LANGDALE CREEK
Survey Date: 2023-09-26 Project: Fall 2023 spawning survey Survey ID: 950


Target Species - Pink Salmon
Live: 31 Dead examined: 0 Dead not examined: 1

Survey Results

Live Count
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 8
Comments: Reach 1 from crk mouth to cedar tree. Mixed pool/riffle habitat.
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 22
Comments: Reach 2 from cedar tree to Marine Drive culvert. Mixed riffle/pool habitat. 10% spawning.
Species Observed: Pink Salmon Habitat Code: pool Latitude: 0.00 Longitude: 0.00 Live Count: 1
Comments: Reach 3 from Marine Drive culvert to end of pond.

Dead Count