Module 2 - Longitudinal Survey

Pool Habitat

Stream Name: TERMINAL CREEK Survey Date: 2013-10-15
Organization Name: Bowen Island Fish & Wildlife Club Project Name: Terminal Creek above
Stream Segment #: Stream Section #:
Data Entered by: 2013-10-15 Survey ID: 21

Step 4.1 Longitudinal Survey, Measurements

Length of Survey Site Minimum: 108.000 (m) Actual: 98.800 (m) Photos Taken? no
Upstream Survey Boundary Minimum: (m) Actual:98.800 (m) Photos Taken? no
Downstream Survey Boundary Minimum: (m) Actual: 0.000(m) Photos Taken? no

* distance upstream (Up) of benchmark

Habitat Unit Typebottom of habitat unit*top of habitat unit*length of habitat unit (m)% slopePhoto frame #
Riffle 0.000 12.600 3.500
Pool 12.600 19.600 0.000
Riffle 19.600 30.600 1.500
Pool 30.600 33.300 3.500 Big
Riffle 33.300 46.200 5.000
Pool 46.200 52.800 1.000
Riffle 52.800 57.800 4.500 Star
Riffle 57.800 65.700 7.000 End
Pool 65.700 71.900 2.000
Riffle 71.900 92.300 3.500
Pool 92.300 98.800 1.000
Choose 0
Choose 0

* distance downstream (Dn) of benchmark

Habitat Unit Typebottom of habitat unit*top of habitat unit*length of habitat unit (m)% slopePhoto frame #
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0

Step 4.2 Longitudinal Survey, Habitat Quality

1. Streambed material (from 25 samples)
Fines: %
Gravel: %
Cobble: %
Boulder: %
Bedrock: %
Cobble and Boulder Total: 0.00 %
2. % Embeddness %
Instream cover
Large Woody debris: 16.00 pieces
Rooted cutbank: number of instances
4. Percent Pool Habitat
Average % Survey Slope 2.95 %
Total length of pools: 0
Length of Reference Site: 0
Pool Habitat: nan %
5. Off Channel Habitat
Present: none
6. Bank Stability
Active Erosion Left Bank:
Active Erosion Left Bank Length:
Active Erosion Right Bank:
Active Erosion Right Bank Length:
Bank Stabilzation Left Bank:
Bank Stabilzation Left Bank Length:
Bank Stabilzation Right Bank:
Bank Stabilzation Right Bank Length:
Slides Reaching Channel Left Bank:
Slides Reaching Channel Left Bank Length:
Slides Reaching Channel Right Bank:
Slides Reaching Channel Right Bank Length:
7. Length of bank with no vegetation (m)
Left Bank:
Right Bank:
8. Overhead Canopy
Bankfull Channel covered by overhanging branches: %
9. Riparian zone
# of channel widths:
Coniferous trees: 0
Deciduous trees: 0
Shrubs: 0
Grass: 0
Adjacent Land Use and Impacts: