Module 2 - Longitudinal Survey

Pool Habitat

Stream Name: FOUR MILE CREEK Survey Date: 2013-08-15
Organization Name: Lake Babine Nation Project Name:
Stream Segment #: Stream Section #:
Data Entered by: Leanne Miranda Survey ID: 32

Step 4.1 Longitudinal Survey, Measurements

Length of Survey Site Minimum: 48.000 (m) Actual: 50.200 (m) Photos Taken? no
Upstream Survey Boundary Minimum: 24.000 (m) Actual:25.100 (m) Photos Taken? no
Downstream Survey Boundary Minimum: 24.000 (m) Actual: 25.100(m) Photos Taken? no

* distance upstream (Up) of benchmark

Habitat Unit Typebottom of habitat unit*top of habitat unit*length of habitat unit (m)% slopePhoto frame #
Riffle 12.800 4.000
Pool 6.800 1.000
Riffle 5.500 4.000
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0

* distance downstream (Dn) of benchmark

Habitat Unit Typebottom of habitat unit*top of habitat unit*length of habitat unit (m)% slopePhoto frame #
Riffle 11.600 2.000
Pool 9.100 0.000
Riffle 4.400 1.000
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0
Choose 0

Step 4.2 Longitudinal Survey, Habitat Quality

1. Streambed material (from 25 samples)
Fines: 0.00 %
Gravel: 28.00 %
Cobble: 56.00 %
Boulder: 16.00 %
Bedrock: %
Cobble and Boulder Total: 0.00 %
2. % Embeddness 33.00 %
Instream cover
Large Woody debris: 11.00 pieces
Rooted cutbank: number of instances 13.00
4. Percent Pool Habitat
Average % Survey Slope 2.00 %
Total length of pools: 15.9
Length of Reference Site: 50.2
Pool Habitat: 31.67 %
5. Off Channel Habitat
Present: none
6. Bank Stability
Active Erosion Left Bank: 3
Active Erosion Left Bank Length: 1.00
Active Erosion Right Bank: 3
Active Erosion Right Bank Length: 1.00
Bank Stabilzation Left Bank: 0
Bank Stabilzation Left Bank Length:
Bank Stabilzation Right Bank: 0
Bank Stabilzation Right Bank Length:
Slides Reaching Channel Left Bank: 0
Slides Reaching Channel Left Bank Length:
Slides Reaching Channel Right Bank: 0
Slides Reaching Channel Right Bank Length:
7. Length of bank with no vegetation (m)
Left Bank: 0.00
Right Bank: 0.00
8. Overhead Canopy
Bankfull Channel covered by overhanging branches: 70.00 %
9. Riparian zone
# of channel widths: 10.00
Coniferous trees: 0.5
Deciduous trees: 0.5
Shrubs: 0.5
Grass: 0.5
Adjacent Land Use and Impacts:
adjacent cutblock at the top of the canyon causing some blow down